The Spes Bona Initiative considers that improving everyone’s health requires decent living and training conditions for future doctors. We therefore created the Vesalius Scholarship to support young South African medical students by providing them with accommodation and a monthly stipend covering their basic needs.
In order to fund this project, we are looking for individual or corporate sponsors ready to support our students through a monthly donation!
Behind the Vesalius project lays the desire to create a relationship based on solidarity and trust between sponsors and students. Each sponsor commits to financially support a student for a period of twelve months (from January to December 2021). In return, he will receive semi-annual follow-up reports including full financial statements and student’s academic results.
If you are interested in supporting a Vesalius student, please complete the sponsorship pledge form below. You can then either register a standing order to the Spes Bona Initiative (IBAN BE56 3632 0377 2788, BIC BBRUBEBB) or subscribe a recurring payment using the Paypal button at the bottom of the page.
You are of course free to support our students for the amount that suits you best. For your information:
- 10 € represent a month of school supplies
- € 25 represents a week of food allowance and school supplies
- 50 € represent a week’s rent in a university residence
- € 300 represents full support for the student for one month
You would like to sponsor a student but still have questions? Contact us!